Here are the best places to go in our library databases when you are working on your project.
If you are using the databases from home, you will need a username and password--see Schoology for these.
If you are using the databases from home, you will need a username and password--see Schoology for these.
This database is entirely dedicated to mythology and should
be your first stop if you are researching a Greek god or goddess |
For articles, choose History, then world history, then Greek
Under nonfiction books, under history, there is an e-book, Ancient Greece. |
Once you enter the middle school level, choose articles.
If you are researching a god or goddess, choose Philosophy and Religion, then Religion, then gods and goddesses. If you have a philosopher you will choose Philosophy, then Greek philosophy . If you have a scientist or another Important Person, choose history, then ancient world, then Greece. You will find philosophers here also. |
Select the student edition of World Book online, and then type in the name of the person you are researching.